ISTQB Foundation level exam preparation - e-learning with live sessions
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ISTQB Foundation level exam preparation - e-learning with live sessions
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ISTQB Foundation level exam preparation - e-learning with live sessions.
The mail questions if what about format - it is very simple: we recorded video lessons, if you have any questions - you are welcome to the live sessions, which are included!
So, what do you recieve:
- 12 lessons
- 25h of the video content
- Video in the Full HD, smart board and great trainer!
- Comfortable leaning schedule - you can learn when it fits your schedule!
- You can learn everywhere - event from your smartphone ;-)
- Modern learning management system based on MS Office 365 - One note
- 10 weekly group live session with the trainer to check unclear points and ask questions!
- Access to the course materials for 4 months
- Discount of the certification!